Things of beauty can be found growing in strange places if we just look!
How about the news? Most of all you hear is bad news. And I can not believe how the American couple killed in China has been played down. Now I hear on the world news that Russia is in full blown invasion of Georgia. And the US is determined to get involved. The report says the tension has not been this high since the cold war. Why can't our country take care of it's own before sticking its nose everywhere else? And on local bad news, a double murder in rural-ville by two suspects from the big city of Atlanta. But authorities don't think drugs were involved. lol
And on the more local bad news, a hawk or owl caught one of our chickens sometime today. I found the feather remains while feeding. So has anyone got any good news to share, I would sure like to hear it. Glad Jim over at Bison Survival Blog is still writing but I noticed he has taken his link list and real estate blog down. Hope he is not leaving our few number of survival bloggers completely.
If anyone knows of anybody wanting to relocate to rural-ville let me know. My uncle and aunt have a home that would make an excellent bug out location or a great off grid residence. Shoot me an e-mail for more details. tws_org@yahoo.com