June 21, 2008

Recipes From Storage Food

I have learned two new recipes that are simple and can use ingredients from your food storage. They would create a change from the same old daily routine before or after TSHTF.

The first is Fried Rice:

First cook about 4 cups of rice
Then take about half a cup of fresh or dehydrated onions, carrots, celery etc. and saute them in about two tablespoons olive oil
Add about 2 cups of the meat of your choice and add them to the vegetables unless raw, then cook with soy sauce first and then add the veggies to it.
When finished put aside and break 2 eggs or same amount of powdered eggs in the skillet and lightly scramble them.
Add rice to pan and fry until browned, stirring constantly, add rice, eggs, meat, and vegetables
and heat all thoroughly.
Season with soy sauce and pepper to taste and enjoy.

The second is Simple Egg Drop Soup:

Place 8 chicken bouillon cubes in 4 cups of water and dissolve.
Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
Add 2 raw eggs and stir with a fork gently to break up the eggs. ( The boiling bouillon will cook the eggs)
Serve while hot with dried or fresh chives.

I just had to pass these along as cooking is another passion of mine.


Phil said...

I have a strange one I really like and kids eat it like there is no tomorrow.
Scramble three eggs, add one cup cooked rice and a handful of pepperoni slices, the kind they put on pizza.
Stir it until evenly heated and serve.

Try it, I was surprised the first time I did!

Anonymous said...

I like your fried rice recipe, which will help us cycle through our rice stocks. Will give it a try tomorrow evening.

Anonymous said...

Made it last night for supper - very good! Now it is part of our regular meal planning.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.