May 05, 2008

Homesteading, Survival Groups, Etc.

Well I finally made it back from visiting the new grand-daughter. During the long drive and the visit to the farm I started thinking about how many people do not have a clue how to grow a garden or take care of livestock. I have been communicating with some different communes and groups in the past. It just reemphasized something I had read from bison survival blog about making a deal with the tree hugger, vegetable growing, peace loving groups. The idea is to use your survival skills that they probably have no interest in such as security and defending oneself and trading them for a mutual benefit such as home grown food and barter items. You might be be able to set up a nice co-existence for all parties involved. They could go to different post tshtf trade and barter areas safely by having protection provided by you. Check around, do a little research in your area, and see what you can discover.

I saw a few ads for classes, usually offered in rural areas, teaching some of the old skills our ancestors used to survive. And not because they wanted to learn something new but because they had to do it to survive. I think we need to see more of these classes available. But more importantly we need to use them. I have never learned anything bad. I feel the more knowledge anyone has only helps them. I remember reading the Foxfire books long ago. They were a great learning tool then and can still be used today. The problem with most is they either do not have the time or desire to get back to their roots. I noticed on a recent visit to an Indian reservation they were teaching the old ways to their young people even in public school. I found a location that teaches some of the mentioned advise on homesteading and even outdoor expeditions and survival classes. The problem with most of these is people not showing enough interest. Get your head out of the sand people, just because yk2 never materialized does not mean we are home free. Look at the natural disasters and man made that have affected us since then. Now we have a recession starting to rear its ugly head. Well as my hero Jim would say, You have been warned.

P.S. Don't know how to spend your free time this summer, check out

1 comment:

Panhandle Tex said...

Howdy, just stopped by to see what your site was about. looks like you're off to a good start, keep it up.

I know what you mean about things folks don't know. So much of this stuff is a been there done that for me. Learned how to butcher anad scald hogs with my grandfather, he showed me how to set things up for scalding and how to tell when the water was hot enough to start scrapping the hair off. How to plant corn, that sort of things. Raised anad buthchered sheep, beef. Raised milk goats for years, made cheese, canned vegetables, dried fruit, built houses, lived of the grid, reloaded ammo, rifle and pistol for years.

The above list is not meant to be a brag on my part, just that I am surprised at those who don't know how to do these things. For the longest time I thought every one, at least those who weren't lifelong urban dwellers did.

Panhandle Tex